Juust kidding - obviously I will come back home, since it is where my family and friends are and always will be..buutt it's always an interesting thought, no? (See photo below of Chloe and I with our friends from our going-away party..how could we not come back?)
Anyways, a few things to know before a trip like this begins. Hopefully this information will help others like myself out before your big departure:
1) Let your parents know you are not leaving them forever and that you will not go off and elope and have children and never come home again. Guaranteed this is what is going on in their heads (my Mom has already cried about 4-5 times (in this past week alone) thinking I will never return home). Please give your parents a break - tell them you love them and that you will keep in contact with them...but be realistic - you will not be writing them every second of every day about the last detail of your trip. This is why a) you are going on this trip, and b) why I started this blog haha. So, they can log on and read it and be comforted that I am not stranded on a deserted Thai island with sketchy Thai rebels held at gun point.
2) Get your travel shots. First of all, you should know that shots are not covered by OHIP nor are they cheap or painless. 200 dollars on stupid shots would buy me at least a week in a 4-star Thai hotel. But, I mean you have to suck it up - health is number one my friends. You get sick, your trip is oover. Also, I should add that being stuck in the arm by 4 consecutive needles doesn't tickle - so it takes about 3-4 days for the arm aching to fade. Also, make sure you know some info about your trip (as in which countries you are going to), so the doc knows which shots to give you. Also - just so you know - your normal family doctor doesn't do travel shots - you must go to a travel clinic. Google travel clinic in your area and voilĂ !
3) Book your first hotel so you aren't stranded and can crash somewhere upon arrival. We all know jet lag sucks, and who wants to be exhausted walking aimlessly around an unknown area trying to find a bed. Just do it. Nuff said.
4) Packing. Now this is the hardest part. Especially for overpackers like myself - I mean a girls gotta have options, no? Yeaa, but for this kind of a trip, no one wants to be lugging around a massive suitcase full of clothes you won't even use. I've done it. It sucks, and you'll be miserable. Trust. Since I am a genious and have done my research, I have opted on the Mountain Equipment Co-op bag that is a rolly bag slash backpack all in one! So, if I get tired of lugging the bag around on my back, I can flip up the handles and roll away! Since I will need the backpack part for doing things like hiking & camping, I can use the rolly part any other time (airports, flat ground, etc.). What a great invention. I will let you know how it works out.
5) Passport, money, etc. Since I personally lose everything that I come into contact with, I have decided to take 2 photocopies of each important document : my passport, Visa, and debit card. I have a copy, and my Mom, who will be at home, has the other. So in any case if I lose my passport and am actually stranded, I will at least have a photocopy, or I can call my Mom (always a lifesaver), and she can send over the documentation.
Anyways, I hope I have covered most of the basic need-to-know info, which I think will help anyone going on a similar trip...
So..if any of you are interested, Chloe and I leave tomorrow at 10:45 PM on Etihad airlines (sketchy?), bound to Abu Dhabi. There, we will have a 2.5 hour layover, until we leave for Bangkok and arrive at 7:00 AM. Since we have already booked our first nights' stay at the D & D Inn in Bangkok, we will set-up shop and hook you up with a little flight-recap blog upon arrival.
- Leigh
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